Episode 6

Ep.04 Jason Alme Pt 2: Diabetes Burnout is Real!


September 1st, 2023

47 mins 44 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  1. "She's one of us!": Jason's interaction with Diabetes Educators (CDCES) from a patient standpoint. (Starting at 01:17)
  2. Career goals and Diabetes Camp: Delve into Jason's aspirations and his impactful experiences as a Diabetes Camp volunteer. (Starting at 05:44)
  3. "Diabetes burnout is real": Learn about the challenges of diabetes burnout, including dealing with annoying beeping sounds and more. (Starting at 10:29)
  4. Pump vocation: Discover how Jason copes with diabetes burnout. (Starting at 18:59)
  5. "I like to hack my sensor": Jason's love-hate relationship with the CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor). (Starting at 24:22)
  6. Nutrition care philosophy: Explore Jason's patient-centered approach and behavior change strategies. (Starting at 31:43)
  7. Gender and dietetics: Jason shares his experiences and thoughts on being a male dietetic student in the field. (Starting at 39:20)
--Your Host--

Cindy Zheng, RD, Ph.D. student in Nutritional Sciences
📫:[email protected]

--Speical Guest---

Jason Alme, Nutrition Science Crew, podcaster
Podcasts he produces: @Abcb Café @Pop Culture Mass @Creatures of the Night
Twitter @JasonAlme
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.teamalme.com/

📢Listen on:小宇宙,Apple Podcast,Spotify,Amazon Music